Then I started hearing good things and reviews about the book, I mean, lots of them. I finally gave up and ordered it on my Kindle, so that just in case I wanted to read the book, it's available. Many months passed, during which I read lots of other books, some serious and deep, others not so. Then the raves about the audiobook started coming. I downloaded it from as my first ever audiobook and started listening...WOW! The women who lend their voices to this book were amazing, their southern accents, the feelings in their voice...I was drawn in right from the first sentence. Then I decided the to read the book myself to get through the story faster, and regretted not starting this book as soon as it was published. Stockett did an amazing job on her first book, about Mississippi in the 1960s, the conflicts and complex relationships between the helps and their white employers. The book is narrated by three voices, a white female writer, and two African American helps, and a decision that they risked their lives to make. Wonderful book, wonderful writing, and wonderful narrating in the audio format. I don't think I could think of any other equivalent works.
So much that I wanted to avoid historical fiction, I found myself being pulled into this sad period of American history, when not everyone was treated equal. I still could feel the sadness and the pain, long after finishing the book.
This is a great book!