Kindle Tips

  1. The Kindle fan page on Facebook is a good resource to find other Kindle users and to have your questions answered.
  2. Do not ever turn you Kindle off, put it to sleep after reading, by sliding the switch to the right once for Kindle Keyboard, Baby K and Touch.  Just close the cover for Paperwhite.
  3. If you travel a lot, a 3G model is better than the WiFi only.
  4. Not all books have text-to-speech feature, but most of them do.  It's like owning a free copy of an audiobook of the same title.  However, the newer Kindles (Paperwhite, Baby K) have no TTS ability.
  5. You can share the passages of the book you're reading on your Twitter or Facebook by using 'mange social networks' in settings.
  6. Leaving the Wireless on will drain your Kindle battery faster.
  7. You need to turn wireless on to save your last page to the cloud, so it would sync with all your other devices and Kindle applications.
  8. It's the best eReader there is on the market.
  9. It has no external memory card, but it holds up to 3500 books without additional memory.
  10. If you highlight or take notes a lot during reading, the touch screen models will save you lots of time and energy.  The newest model is the Paperwhite with a built in light panel.